Tuesday, January 11

U-N-I-T-Y spells Unity!

Is Jerome James the reason for the Seattle Sonics success?  Stop laughing.
Jerome James: MVP?

Danny O'Neil uncovers the secret origin of the Sonics' postgame huddle in today's P.I.:
It's not hard to find the guy who shepherded the Sonics into that first postgame huddle.

He's the tallest player on the team. The one with his jersey number, 13, etched into the 20-inch silver rims of his H2.

Last season, Jerome James was the guy benched for a game for falling asleep in a team's film study. This season, he is the guy who gathered everyone together Nov. 5 after playing one of his most energetic games of the season.

He had leaped over the Sonics' bench chasing a loose ball out of bounds. Later, he took off on a dead sprint to block Kenny Anderson's layin attempt. That James was called for goaltending didn't matter. The effort did. Afterward, he stood on the floor and waved his teammates together in what might have turned out to be his best move of the season.

Read the rest here.

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