Monday, March 6

March 6 Cartoon: "He Who Asks Last"

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One last arena post... from me anyway. I'll leave any further political commentary to my SSS colleagues, Saints Peter and Paul.


  1. I hope I spelled "hoopty" correctly.

  2. As they say, a picture is worth ...

  3. Cool drawing. I like that you guys run stuff other than points per 48 minutes on Tuesdays against shooting guards aged 32-years-and-older. Any chance you can come up with something about Danny Fortson? That guy's just begging for comic relief.

  4. Well, I was hoping Chunkstyle would run with my Fortson is a Power Ranger idea. C'mon Chunky, get on it!

  5. Please put a sentence before your punctuation, folks. Makes things easier for us non-telepathic types.

  6. Nice work on the cartoon. Do you guys have any more stuff like this on your site? I look at a lot of NBA blogs but Ive never seen any other ones that have something like this...

  7. Ok, it's a cartoon. But it's not funny.

  8. hey all,

    Don't hesitate to send any ideas/comments/suggestions along, positive or negative. You might see your suggestion in a future cartoon. And of course you'd be credited for the idea... provided you actually sign your comment.

    ~raf (chunkstyle23)

  9. If you like Chunk's cartoon, then please sign up for his damn free ipod (see banner ad at top of page). All you have to do is sign up and do some free offer (like Blockbuster online, etc). He's been waiting a year for it already, people!

  10. "Ok, it's a cartoon. But it's not funny." -Anonymous

    Thank you for your valuable insight on the art of cartooning, Anonymous. You may now resume masturbating to pictures of Kobe Bryant.

  11. I've given up on the ipod, Paul. I'm rigging up my Fisher Price record player with a belt clip, those big 70's-style headphones, and my wife's collection of 45s from the 80s. I once had love, and it was a gas.

  12. hey you need to something on fortson, what he's doing while he's out. notice it was tabbed anonymous...ok, you're a coward and your not funny either.

  13. Thanks!

    No doubt, Aaron McGruder is the Garry Trudeau (Doonsbury) of our times. Haven't seen the cartoon yet though.

  14. Naw, I'm with you biggie. Trudeau lost touch a while ago. McGruder took his crown a while back. Glad to hear the strip's been faithfully translated to the small screen. I'll probably watch it while I'm trying to finish up next week's cartoon!


Due to excessive spam, anonymous comments may be held for review indefinitely. Remember kids, anonymous=LOSER! Make sure to post your name, so we know who to make fun of.-Editor