I'm a life-long fan. I've been with them through the ups and downs. I considered naming my first-born Xavier. Every day I wake up hoping there will be something positive to write about the team and the new owners. Instead, I have to read this:
Two members of the new Sonics ownership group are heavyweight financiers of a national political group dedicated to banning gay marriage.Yes, we wouldn't want to "cheapen" an institution that has a 50% rate of failure!
Together, co-owners Tom Ward and Aubrey McClendon donated more than $1.1 million to Americans United to Preserve Marriage, a conservative Christian group that opposes gay marriage.
The group is led by Gary Bauer, an outspoken leader of conservative groups including the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family.
According to the group, gay couples "flout marriage by using it for their own political agenda (and) cheapen the institution."
Read the rest in today's Seattle P.I.
(originally reported in The Stranger)
As much as I hate bigoted right-wingers like McClendon and Co., the one we should be aiming our pitchforks at is former owner Howard Shultz. He pissed and moaned about how much money he was losing on the team (while living it up on millions of dollars of shareholder-funded perks), then knowingly sold the team to a group he knew had no chance (and probably no desire) to keep the team in town. Why? Because the city dared say no to his demand to build more luxury boxes for his rich friends.
The new owners, of course, claim they have every desire to "make things work" in Seattle, but if they can't win over a basketball slut like me, what hope do they have?
In other crappy news, Rashard has turned down a contract extension. At least the Sonics beat Portland last night--take that Nate!
I don't see this as a so-called 'scandal'. The owners knowingly hired several unrepentant lesbians to entertain a basketball audience. In private they believe these lesbians have chosen a dangerous lifestyle that viciously attacks our sacred institution of marriage. Along with our President, they also believe that active unrepentant lesbians like Mary Cheney are unfit to adopt children and are a predatory danger to young impressionable minds. Now why shouldn't we be giving our tax money towards supporting these guys?
ReplyDeleteI don't see this as a so-called 'scandal'. The owners knowingly hired several unrepentant lesbians to entertain a basketball audience. In private they believe these lesbians have chosen a dangerous lifestyle that viciously attacks our sacred institution of marriage. Along with our President, they also believe that active unrepentant lesbians like Mary Cheney are unfit to adopt children and are a predatory danger to young impressionable minds. Now why shouldn't we be giving our tax money towards supporting these guys?
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling the comments on this post could devolve very quickly.
ReplyDelete"Because the city dared say no to his (Howard Schultz) demand to build more luxury boxes for his rich friends."
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you read the Key Arena Subcommittee Final Report? The plan was to decrease the number of luxury boxes and replace these with club seats.
No comments about the Portland game or Spencer Haywood?
Wow, bigots? That is pretty bad... :(
ReplyDeleteHey, I mentioned the Portland game! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're right about Spencer. We, like the Sonics, were late in honoring him. Of course, the PI, Times, etc. all had huge stories about it, so I thought it was pretty well covered.
As far as the orignal Key Arena plans, you're right, I over simplified the plans --- the point I meant was that there is nothing WRONG with the Key. So what if it's the smallest? You don't need a 12-mile giganto dome to watch basketball. One of the biggest problem with sports today is that every one is throwing money at these massive bloated stadiums to draw people in that have no real interest in sports at all (sports tourists, if you will), while driving away the people that do.
The liberalism of King County makes me sick. No wonder the rest of the state despises us.
ReplyDeleteHow many Republican politicians have stood up in favor of the arena based on the information presented? I am only aware of a few. Does Senator Prentice have 11 yes votes to move the bill out of committee I believe next week? It will probably take at least a few, maybe a majority of the Republicans on the committee? Dop they have that? If they don't, it won't just be liberal Seattle that said the case wasnt strong enough, complete enough.
ReplyDeleteWhy are people that believe marriage is an institution between a man and a woman considered bigots? Fucking liberals love to dish out the name calling for anyone that doesn't see things their way.
ReplyDeleteTne name calling from some pro-arena folks isnt good either. Frustration has tipped a lot of folks into counter-productive. Some of the attacks on politicians and newspapers, etc. are burning bridges. If this thing has to come back around another time, it will be even tougher to sell it "on the merits".
ReplyDeleteI'll second that comment. Both sides are certainly full of hot air at this point (yours truly included).
ReplyDeleteI should have used something like "rebukes" instead of "attacks". It is easier to offend after you feel offended no matter what view you hold.
ReplyDeleteI hope the legislators engage in a serious detailed discussion of the pros and cons and how they might increase the amount of agreement rather than just rehash the surface and vote.
As a libertarian, I believe that the governmental institution of marriage should be abolished at the federal, state, and municipal level.
ReplyDeleteIt is an opt-in system but read the fine print beforehand. Some divorce laws seem dated and inappropriate in a time of equality- should be of rights and responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteThey are busy blaming Key arena for the sonics financial problems. HEY, DOES 15 ROAD LOSSES IN A ROW MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU GUYS?? My guess is that when they start putting out a product worth buying, the Sonics financial problems will disappear. But we are talking about a bunch of idiots who did a big search for the perfect place to build their new sports palace, and came up with a location that someone else not only owns, but isn't at all interested in selling to the sonics.WHAT A BUNCH OF YAHOOS! Maybe this is the way busuness is done in Kansas.
ReplyDeleteActually, the Sonics front office has had discussions with the owners of the property and feel confident they'll be able to buy the land if/when it comes down to it. Whatever quotes were sent to the media by the property owner were purely negotiating ploys to drive up the purchase price if the Sonics/state ever get around to building the stadium.
ReplyDeleteInitially, I thought Bennett & Co. were just bluffing in their attempts to build an arena here, but I truly believe they want to make it work in Seattle.
I'll support a homeless guy as long as he's not gay.