Tuesday, March 3

NBA Economic News

A couple of stories of interest to those who are curious to see how the league is handling the global economic downturn:

1) Sports Business Journal discusses how premium-seat renewals may be difficult for both the NBA and the NHL.

2) The Wall Street Journal marvels at how 80% of the teams in the league are essentially out of the running for a title, and how almost all of those clubs have given up in even trying.


  1. The WSJ article is a bit misleading. Their rationale for saying that '80% of the teams have no realistic shot at winning a title' is probably pretty consistent with most years in most sports that are 3/4 of the way through the season.

    The article goes on to state that per 'Las Vegas oddsmakers' (nice sourcing) only six teams have greater than a 10% chance at winning a title . . . well isn't that about right? Simple math tells us that you can't have MORE than ten teams with a 10% chance to win. And if you DID have ten, that would mean that every other team in the league had a ZERO percent chance to win.

    Heck (yes, I just said heck), a couple years ago during the Pats run in the NFL, I'm guessing by Week 13 that only ONE team was listed with a 10%+ chance of winning the Super Bowl.

    The Journal is terrific at business analysis but generally comes across as woefully inadequate with its sports analysis.

    Stick to your core competency, Rupert!

  2. I don't think it was any different in the past. Or look at the '90s. Did anyone have any chance to beat the Jordan's led Chicago Bulls?


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