Thursday, May 3

Just When You Thought You Couldn't Hate Howie Any More

Unbelievable article up right now detailing the final despairing days of a Sonic employee. The money quote:

I didn't see how we'd get an arena deal led by men who couldn't conceive of it as anything but a rich man's boondoggle, perpetrated on behalf of other rich people. Average people would shoulder the costs of making sure that the Puget Sound's affluent—suits at Boeing, executives at Microsoft—could be coddled at a sporting event that average people would no longer be able to afford to attend. 

 See the rest at Deadspin. No, really, see the rest at Deadpin, like, right now. Story by Jeremy Repanich.


  1. Stop reading my mind, it's creepy. This is what I wrote on FB: I didn't think it was possible to increase my hatred for Howard Schultz, but this article opened up vast, untapped resources of bile for that scumbag.

  2. HI ! I have make a website with my story of seattle sonics in nba2k12

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