Tuesday, June 20

A Ring for the Glove

Former Seattle Supersonic Gary PaytonA big congrats to our favorite ex-Supersonic Gary Payton, who finally got his ring tonight as his Miami Heat beat the Dallas Mavericks for the NBA title.

Now for God's sake, retire already Gary . . . and you too, Zo, before you lose another kidney!


  1. Anyone else watch that game last night and think "wow, if we still had Nate as coach, the roster we have right now, w/ the continuity from last years playoff run, we could've beat Miami?" I mean Dallas formed an allergy to driving to the basket last night, well the last 4 games really. I honestly believe that the Supes could've got Miami. Ray and Rashard are waaay better shooters than Terry and Nowitzki, and our fast break is much nastier. I thought Dallas would win, but they went out like a bunch of bitches, that was disgusting. Congratulations Gary, you deserved it, now I agree, RETIRE!! Thanks for the memories.

  2. Hang 'em up, Gary. Congrats!

    Looks like Nowitzki's been to the Rashard Lewis School for Softies. Never win a title like that.

  3. We both picked the exact same headline--check it out.


  4. Yeah, I guess even Lewis would have taken Nowitzki last night. Dallas really believed their own hype too much - serves them right. But they'll be back. Gotta wonder what Miami can do next season, with their vets either retiring or getting rapidly older. Just can't see the same group repeating without some major tweaking.

  5. didn't gp already say he's coming back for a 17th year?

  6. Dirk soft? 29 and 15 is soft? Rashard would've been lucky to get half those numbers against Miami's D.

  7. Yeah, he's soft. 7' tall yet 90% of the time he takes a fade away jumper over going to the hoop or posting up. When he does venture further into the fray, the slightest bump floors him and brings about whining. He's a pussy, and he's wasting at least 4 inches of his height in the process.

  8. "Yeah, he's soft. 7' tall yet 90% of the time he takes a fade away jumper over going to the hoop or posting up. When he does venture further into the fray, the slightest bump floors him and brings about whining. He's a pussy, and he's wasting at least 4 inches of his height in the process."

    And there it is, what more can you say, undisputed, well said.

  9. Congratulations to Gary. Much respect for playing a solid role in the championship-- game 3, the turnaround point of the series, when everyone was doubting the heat, GP let young buck D-Wade takeover and then hit that clutch shot. Same for game 5. Yeah Gary.

    I was feeling nostalgic that we never got to see GP up on that podium with Kemp, Perkins, Det, all laughing and smiling, looking like little kids jumping up and down... Props to GP for persevering and getting there.

  10. "And there it is, what more can you say, undisputed, well said."

    Feel the love! Seriously, glad you agree - I respect your opinion, even if I rag on you (very) occassionally.

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