The guy you're thinking of is Jim Marsh. He's now a coach for a (really good!) Seattle AAU team.
I totally forgot about him. I think he's from the days when they'd show random games on KCPQ, broadcast by Raycom sports or something. I'd be flipping through the channels and whoa--a Sonics home game?
Sorry about the new post. Couldn't figure out how to put a picture in a comment...

That's him! Good call, Chunky!
(For those who don't know what the hell we're talking about, read this thread.)
And the reason you couldn't figure out how to post pictures in the comments section is because you CAN'T post pictures in the comments section! Sorry 'bout that.
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The Sweetest New Bridal Gowns
All of the top designers have just shown their latest collections of bridal gowns for next spring. Many of the styles were outrageous and dramatic, but there were also some wedding gowns that were unabashedly pretty and feminine. For more on the sweetest new bridal gowns, read on...
It seems as though many of the gown designers this season were so crazy about trying interesting new techniques to rucsh, gather, and ruffle fabric that they forgot about making dresses that a bride would actually feel pretty wearing. Some of the more adventurous styles might make a woman feel chic or bold, or even glamorous, but many of the new gowns bear little resemblance to the timeless bridal gowns that every young girl dreams of one day wearing. In other words, they are so of the moment that they are not timeless.
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