"Check out all the rings Jordan and Duncan got me!"
According to Steve Kerr's column at Yahoo! Sports, the Supersonics (or, SuperSonics as he calls them) are going to finish last in the West. Worse than the Clippers. Worse than the Warriors. Worse than every one of the fourteen other teams in the Western Division.
The article confirms one thing for sure: Steve Kerr is a dumb-ass.
Kerr isn't alone in his dumb-assedness, though. ESPN has the Supes ranked next-to-last in the NBA. Yes, that means worse than the WIZARDS!
Obviously, these "experts" haven't heard of a fellow named Ibrahim Kutluay. Ibby is going to carry this team to at least tenth place in the west, so watch out Bobcats!
Swift and Ibby = The Brad Lohaus and Tig Legler of the new millenium!
I love that picture of Steve Kerr (I don't think anyone on those Chicago teams should have gotten a ring except Scottie and Michael). Obviously, this guy has no clue as you pointed out. If I had my way, I would bite the bullet and just let us finish last for a good draft pick. The problem is that we have Nate as a coach, and he'll at least make us win more games than the Clips.
Yeah, it looks like Kerr is going to be Vanilla Ice for Halloween. What a wanker.
I agree that Nate will squeeze out as many wins as possible from this JV team, but I doubt he will finish the season as coach.
I hate to be the guy to bring it up, but is it possible that Nate just isn't a good coach? It amazes me that someone who was such a fantastic defensive player is so incapable of teaching players to play defense. If you add in his bizarre substitution/starting rotation ideas, and you start to wonder if "Head Coach" and "Nate McMillan" belong in the same sentence. I'm with the Chief; Nate's going to be home by Valentine's Day.
The thought has occured to me actually. I would have to say that George Karl's 6 man rotation was a little ridiculous, but come on, figure out a substitution scheme and stick with it. Nate is a subpar coach at best. Don't get me wrong, I don't know who could possibly come in and make a difference, but why not let Dwayne Casey give it a shot? I always liked him anyway.
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