Monday, June 12

Whizz Cup

And you thought Sonics fans were weird. (Found at, via Boing-Boing)


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't want to be the goalie.

Anonymous said...

team USA sucks in soccer...


Anonymous said...

So, we can now all rest assured that the Sonics will not be drafting JJ Reddick, right? I mean a DUI a month before the draft pretty much ensures that he will be a Jailblazer right Lance? Right?? If we take this clown now, we are the stupidest team in the NBA.

With all this talk of trading down to get a vet, because we feel there is no one in the draft who can make an immediate imapct, why not just draft Bobby Jones a known D specialist and just be happy with that.

Anonymous said...

Man, I haven't read that joke about 40 times this morning Big. With Rashard still in Seattle, I think taking Reddick makes perfect sense. They could bond over a few yeager shots and some reckless driving

Anonymous said...

wow, so apparently not only does JJ like to drive drunk, but let tell it he likes to get his R. Kelly on as well. -"Don't forget her hair JJ"

Anonymous said...

Well, I doubt that the rumor about how J.J. Redick gives broads golden showers is a fact; yet, if it is true, then there is no reason to hate on him for being a fan of watersports.

Anonymous said...

I would so let JJ Redick piss on me, and I would love to sample some of his doo-doo butter. Mmm-mm-good.

Anonymous said...

^Really not funny at all.

Anonymous said...

Well, Biggie, it's painfully obvious that you still enjoy mimicking me.

As it is, I wrote the first post -- which, mind you, is written by me rather than Biggie, who penned the second post under my pseudonym -- as a means to defend J.J. Redick's right to his own sexual expression. Basically, while I'm not a fan of excrementitious sex, there is no reason to despise someone who does get off on it.

Anonymous said...

"excrementitious sex", hahahahahahaha, that's awesome, LOL. You are right AK there are many other reasons to despise JJ, I will let the golden shower boy get a pass on his pisser fetish. I mean man, he's already in hot water over the DWI, but give the kid a break, I mean those Zimas will fuck you up.

Anonymous said...

Kinda surprising no one else has mentioned this here....

Payton's scoop shot on Sunday was fuckin' -SICK-

Reminded me of the good old days. I read someone comment on another site how they respected GPs search for a ring. He apparently didn't whore himself out to the Heat, but was recruited by Shaq cos he could still feed the post (and remembered to).

And it seemed like that was all he could still do, but that's 2 clutch shots he's hit in this finals.

I can't believe I'm rooting for the Heat.


Anonymous said...

Gotta root for the Heat - Payton aside, think of the look on Kobe's face if Shaq wins another ring before him. Sweet.