In the non-NBA department, some of you may be wondering why I haven't been posting much. Well, after a three-year hiatus, I've returned to the sordid world of stand-up comedy. I had a little warm-up at
Comedy Underground's open mic on Sunday, and starting tonight I'll be appearing every Wednesday night as part of Seattle's hottest new comedy show,
Comedy Night at the Mirabeau Room on Queen Ann.
I'll probably won't be on stage that much tonight, but the line-up includes some of the Seattle's top young comics, so it's worth checking out. Did I mention
Digital Underground's Humpty Hump was in last week's show? Who knows who will show up this week? Maybe
Alton Lister!
(For more info go to
If you get the chance, ask Humpty what it was like working with Chevy Chase, John Candy, Dan Akroyd, and Demi Moore in the comedy classic Nothing But Trouble.
Paul, as Reggie Evans likes to say, "Grab 'em by the balls, brother!"
Is that Brent Barry's mom?? Now that's funny.
I don't know, does Brent's mom tell tampon jokes? :)
I highly recommend the May 17th show, where my man Hari Kondabolu will be headlining. You can see a preview of his stuff at:
He's so good, he shames me.
Who are you, the Seattle Jerry Seinfeld ?;)
More like the Buddy Hackett, but thanks just the same!
good stuff, Paul. I'll definitely try and make the show. Maybe hit the Mecca for a few hours before the show so everything will be fucking hilarious.
You guys are outsourcing now? Where's you sense of patriotism? I'm sending Lou Dobbs an e-mail right now.
No way, my friend Kevin helps put on that show (he's from PROK). I've been meaning to check it out, I'll come say hi.
Kevin Hyder is a dead-sexy genius. Next week's show should be pretty good. The headliner is Peter Greyy, who is the Godfather of alt-comedy in Seattle and is the main reason most of the people in that group (including me) are even doing comedy.
Hope to see you there!
(the only American Comedians I know are Chris Rock, Seinfeld and... Paul Merrill !)
Chris Rock, Seinfeld, Paul Merrill . . . yeah, that's pretty much all of them!
Actually, I'm just like Chris Rock, only white and 93 percent less funny. If I ever tour France with Jerry Lewis I'll give you a call!
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