In any event, last night on Fox 13 (I think their Mission Statement is "Our Anchors Are the Most Likely to Appear in Soft-Core Porn Within 7 Years"), they ran a piece on the new State of Washington quarter, and how this pressing bit of business is currently being studied by the Washington State Quarter Commission (Mission Statement: "Wasting Your Tax Dollars in an Efficient Manner").
Well, the designs they came up with are so lame I almost thought a Canadian team designed them. Seriously, a fish? Was lumberjack already taken? How about a bag of granola? Why don't we just put a latte and confirm all the dumb stereotypes the rest of the country already has about Washington?
Well, as per our Mission Statement, I'm righting the wrongs. Shown below are my 2 nominations for the new state quarter. They may be poorly done, but that's not my Mission Statement, so I don't really care.

Those are awesome! I want one!
I vote for Slick.
Definitely Slick, unless you can incorporate Wally Walker being impaled by a stick.
I think I'd vote for that one.
I know--we replace George Washington on the "heads" side with Slick, and put Freddy on the "tails" side. And GW still gets his due from the state being named after him. Win-win.
If you guys can come up with something better (and I hope for your sakes that you can exceed my meager artistic skills), post them on there as well. This goes for commenters as well. Maybe if we work really hard, make something artistically pleasing and Sonic-related, absolutely nothing will come of it!
Look at that beautiful jumper... I gotta go with Gus.
Hey, what about a third option... a picture of Kemp throwing down on Alton Lister?
I vote for Ted Bundy. Very NW.
Did a nuke hit Seattle? Where the hell are you guys?
What about Chris Andersen? On suspension as we speak for drug use.
Of course, he'd be 12th man on that team at best.
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