Thus far, Dowdell has registered an average of 13 ppg through two games. Interesting or no, you've got to be intrigued by the first piece of artwork you see when loading up the Nancy team page.

I honestly have no idea what it says, but kudos to the folks designing the team website for throwing something onto their page that includes: 1) a cross-dressing moose and 2) French General Joseph "Papa" Joffre from World War I.
Well don't really know how to translate it and it's clearly not very funny...
First Game in Gentilly (Nancy's arena), the team was seductive.
The animal (is this a cougar ? :)) dressed as a Nancy player is saying : "that's because I pulled my weight" (not sure at all for this translation but I think this is the equivalent for "mettre le paquet" in english, it is supposed to be funny because this expression can also be used when someones put a lot of make-up on)
The old man (the coach ?) replies with "you also pulled your weight doing turnovers"
I think there's a "lost balls" entendre also.
That is one sexy moose. Cougar. Whatever.
In an unrelated matter,'s Hollinger says the Sonics' best player is . . . Chris Wilcox. In fact, Wilcox is the only Sonic ranked in the top 75 in the NBA. He's ranked 75th.
On the plus side, the Sonics have 2 guys in the top 100 (Delonte West at #96). West & Wilcox are the only two Sonics rated above the league average.
Also on the plus side, Hollinger doesn't rank rookies . . .
I don't think Cougars have antlers. Then again, I don't think Moose have knuckles.
Damn, when the most recent comic on this site is an unfunny drawing of a transgendered elk, you know someone (ahem) has been slacking.
That's a goddamn creepy drawing.
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