from the Chicago Tribune:
Team executives say the Sonics, having a miserable season, losing millions of dollars and almost out of the playoff race already have been active in trade talks for Flip Murray, Reggie Evans, Vitaly Potapenko and Danny Fortson. Executives say they haven't heard mention of Allen, though at least one added a "yet." The belief around the NBA is with Allen turning 31 this summer after just signing a long-term contract, young players like Robert Swift, Johan Petro and Luke Ridnour getting considerable playing time, the team going nowhere and the franchise in fragile financial condition (no one there wants to say that fast five times), it's inevitable they'll examine what they can get for Allen.And from the Chicago Sun Times:
. . .
So here's a deal that could make sense for both teams. Gordon, Tim Thomas and Eric Piatkowski (the latter two with expiring contracts) and one of the Bulls' No. 1 picks for Allen, Nick Collison, whom the Bulls always have liked, and Fortson, whose $6.6 million contract next season the Sonics have been trying to dump.
Does five-time All-Star guard Ray Allen, who is averaging 24.8 points for the Seattle SuperSonics, make sense for the Bulls? He is said to be on the market.So the question remains: What in the hell are they smoking in Chi-town, and where can I get some? Ben Gordon for Ray Allen? RAY ALLEN? I have not seen such masturbatory fanboy fantasies since . . . well, since reading our own comments ("Fortson and The Potato for Paul Pierce!").
Then again, when you look at who runs this team, anything is possible. I guess I'll approach the trading deadline the same way I do my taxes: drink heavily and hope for the best.
Nobody wants to see Paul Pierce in a Sonics uni. Do you have a new knife you need to test out or something?? I'd rather see what this Gelabale kid can do, he might be like Peitrus from the Warriors. Personally I'd like to see what we have before we trade it.
Oh yeah, and for the right deal I'd ship Ray nextday air out this bitch. Peace, let's see what we can get. I would have loved to see us give Ray to the Pacers for Artest. We need a maniac right now, and hopefully he'd Spreewell Rick Sund, Wally Walker, and Howie Shultz.
b_con was making a joke about out beloved AK1984 who is always trying to trade for Pierce.
The Chi writers are just trying to get Ray paranoid, so he gets pissed, demands a trade and they can pick him up. The NY Pity writers do this all the time. Ray ain't going nowhere, kinda like the Sonics this season. TRADE LEWIS!!
I agree with Lance. I feel the same way about Earl Watson. Yes, we need a backup PG, but do we want one who's overpaid, and who's signed for the next 4 more years? He's not getting any better, folks, what you see with EW is what you're gonna get.
That's why I thought the Ray Allen signing was such a big mistake. Look, here we are not even a fifth of the way through his megadeal, and we're already hearing rumors about the Sonics dumping his salary.
Still, I wouldn't trade Ray unless we're getting an all-star in return. If all these rumors with Garnett are true, I sure wouldn't mind sending some combination of Ray, Collison, Fortson, Potato, and Reggie Evans to Minny for Garnett and some contract they want to get out of (that means you, Mark Madsen).
Saying that last year was a fluke is a giant slap in the face to Mr. Sonic Nate McMillan (the best thing to ever happen to the sonics). The reason we were so good last year is because of Nate's no-nonsense attitude. He made these clowns play hard he had a great rotation for the players, and he used his role players to perfection. Anyone out there with a decent basketball IQ can see that last year was all because of Nate.
We miss you Nate, I'm sorry these clowns didn't give you sole control over the draft choices, and I'm sorry you (a great point guard) were handed some skinny white kid with no game (Ridnour) and told to go to war with him at the point (a position you hold sacred and shared with one of the all time greatest PG in the history of the NBA, GP). I know had you had the choice you would have drafted Jameer Nelson. I'm sorry you had to go to Portland, I know, that town sucks. No one should have to deal with a three headed moron like Sund/Walker/Schultz. I'm sorry coach. From all the fans; WE LOVE YOU NATE, GOOD LUCK BABY, AND THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES. -1
Stop all this crap about a backup point guard. WE NEED A STARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who are you guys kidding?? Luke Ridnour cannot take an NBA team to the championship.
Have any white point guards in the modern era ever taken their team to an NBA finals victory?? NO
Sorry all my caucasian brothas, it ain't gonna happen, face it and move on.
1986 Celtics. Danny Ainge split PG duties with Dennis Johnson.
Yeah, for whatever it's worth to y'all, the deal that I always proposed was the following: Seattle Supersonics GM Rick Sund should trade small forward Rashard Lewis and power forward Danny Fortson to the Boston Celtics for small forward Paul Pierce.
Ok, I was on Cbssportsline.com, they have a ranking of the top ten SF's in the NBA. They are on crack, they rank pierce like 3rd Rashard like 6th and McGrady 7th.
WTF?!?!?!? McGrady, is second to LeBron.
Wassup EJ,
Long time no talk, how ya been??
- Black
Nash is nice, but he's kinda like Stockton. Good to get you to the Finals, but doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to win it. And let's face it Nash hasn't even been there yet. So you go ahead and take Nash, and I 'll take a young brotha who's been through lots of adversity already (growin' up black in america) i.e. Chris Paul, and we'll see who gets a ring first.
PG's I'd take before Steve Nash:
Jason Kidd
Chauncey Billups
Jason Terry
Chris Paul
Baron Davis
Sam Cassell
Justin Dentmon - lol
Will Conroy
Joe Johnson
Gilbert Areanas
and there's alot more, basically Nash is funny to me getting the MVP for dishing the ball to that team. Any one of the above mentioned players (current and EX-Huskies included) would get the MVP playin' point for that team, and dishin' to players like Marion, Richardson(05), and Staoudamire.
Ej - Check out this site:
I think you'll dig it.
Biggie, you're not going to get any arguments here about Nash - most of us here feel that, while he's a good player, he's vastly overrated.
I think when you start talking about white players vs. black players, however, you're heading into some dangerous waters. Just a few years ago, some jackasses like Rush Limbaugh were saying that black quarterbacks couldn't play. Before that, they said only white men could play golf. I think we know how that turned out.
The fact is, race is slowly becoming irrelevant in sports. Tiger Woods, Warren Moon and, dare I say, Steve Nash are redefining how we view athletes and these stupid limitations we put on them based on the color of their skin. And I say thank god for that.
Wassup Lance :) how ya doin'??
Lance is a person who feels Lance armstong is the greatest athlete of all times. So we can all take what he says with a grain of salt.
"The fact is, race is slowly becoming irrelevant in sports."
Yeah you're right and I for one think it's beautiful. It's 2006, but then you see things like the new cover of sports illustrated come out during Black History Month and not a single woman of any color on the cover, awwww isn't that sweet. What does that say??? Our women aren't "beautiful"?? I know this isn't the forum for that but I was lighting Locke up because I hate KJR, a station where the only time black folks are represented is on the Husky Hoops Honks and they (Recasner and Hamilton) are only on there because they are former players. I just can't believe that they don't have 1 single on air personality of color, it's disgusting. This site isn't related to KJR, so let's keep it civil and talk sports. cool??
Oh and Merrill, I love the pic of the Star Wars dude. I had that figure when I was a kid, and my dad used to call him "Foreskin Face". lol
You're the one dissing whities, dude.
you're point is???
sorry, your. lol
Hey, could y'all ban Biggie/Black, since finding his IP address shouldn't be a difficult task.
Sorry, AK. I only ban people if they diss the Wheedle.
Biggie, I respect your opinion, and I was only talking about race in regards to pro atheletes. Elsewhere, like the SI cover, etc. it's obviously still a major problem.
OK, enough "serious" talk already.
"Foreskin face"! That's awesome, Biggie. Poor Walrusman. That's actually a picture I took of my old figure. I dug out a bunch of old Star Wars junk, thinking I would sell some on Ebay, but my four-year-old son has stolen them from me. Big bully...
TGN, muchas gracias por sus palabras buenas.
Rooting for the Sonics this season has been about as pleasant as, well, being run over by the bulls in Pamplona. Let's hope the second half of the season brings us better luck.
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