Tuesday, October 28

Fantasy III

Just a friendly reminder to sign up for the completely free SuperSonicSoul Fantasy League over a Yahoo sports. Shoot me an email at supersonicsoul AT hotmail.com and I'll forward you the pertinent details. There are a couple of spots left, so if you think you know a better way to fill out a roster than Sam Presti, jump on in. Draft day will either be Thursday or Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this site officially dead? Not many comments..


Season started..and here we are..wallowing in Okie crapola..

Damn..with all of the football teams sucking royally..if the Supes were still here and displayed even an inkling of competitiveness, this town would've gone bonkers for that team..

Once again, thank you Nickels..Chopp..Gregoire..your actions or lack there of will not be forgotten..asshat extraordinaire!!!