Through my vast network of
criminal masterminds sports nerds I have managed to acquire all five games of the 1979 NBA Finals on DVD. Instead of watching them in my basement and weeping in the dark by myself, I thought it might be fun to throw a Supersonicsoul 30th Anniversary viewing party somewhere in Seattle.
Would anyone be interested in this? I was thinking maybe sometime in June. If there's enough interest, I will pursue a venue (preferably one with ample booze) to house this shindig. And, if all goes well, we could possibly make this a monthly deal ('87 playoffs anyone?).
Count me in. I'd suggest an earlier showing - it would be harder to pull off logistically, but if you could do this before too late in the legislative session it would be better. Anything which spurs talk about the Sonics would be good for the health of the KeyArena bill.
I think that's a very good idea, but are you talking about showing 5 games in one night? Or one game per night on 5 different days? We could probably watch 2 full games in one night, unless we stop it a lot to make comments. Or someone could edit the games to come up with highlights to watch in one night and maybe watch Game 5 in its entirety. What are your thoughts on this?
On another subject, who is going to the Team-formerly-known-as-the-Sonics vs. the Trailblazers game on Wednesday? I understand several people are meeting at a tavern before the game at 5:00PM (maybe the "Beer Garden"?) and after the game the Sonics faithful will continue the party at "Duffy's Garage" I think. Can anyone confirm that? Also I have a couple extra tickets available, that were $33 with all the extra fees, which I will sell for $25 apiece if anyone else wants to go. They're in 312 Row J, so they're pretty good seats. You can em me at zendoc1@gmail.com if you're interested. I hope to see a few familiar faces in Portland. - - ZenDoc
I was thinking either a weekly thing, where we show one game each week for five weeks, or just game five, depending on the interest.
I've had a ton of people write me regarding the Portland game and will write a post about it ASAP.
Yes! Let's do this! Your basement could accommodate all 7 of us faithful readers no problem.
Thanks Paul, I was hoping that someone "in the know" would post something about the organized activities surrounding the Blazers-Thunder game on Wednesday. I've gotten tidbits & rumors so far & not much else. It's all 2nd or 3rd hand info from "Andy" of "Screw Clay T-Shirt" fame. I heard that a bus was being chartered by someone from Portland to take fans back & forth from Seattle. (I don't need a ride). And I heard of a meet-up at 5:00PM at the "Beer Garden" (a real place?) and a party after the game at "Duff's Garage" I believe, although when I looked that up online it says that Weds. night is a music night starting at 9:30PM featuring "Blues Jam w Suburban Slim" and there is a cover charge, so it will probably be pretty crowded & it makes me wonder if that's the right place. And I can't find a "Beer Garden" so that might just be what some people call it. Please fill us in with what you know. Thanks a lot, - ZenDoc
So, Paul, are you going to run something on the Portland - OKC game on Wednesday or not? Are you aware of any meet-ups going on that others can attend? It seems like we will be pretty well-received by the Blazer faithful from a few indications anyway. I'm leaving today for Cannon Beach, Oregon and then on to Portland on Weds. I know nothing about Portland except where the airport is and that a bunch of rivers run through it. Would you say there's a must-see venue while you're in town for an NBA game? Or a great tavern hang-out? Thanks.
- ZenDoc
I was born in time to live out the glory days of the Sonics in the 90s, but was way too late revel in the time they made it to the Finals and came home with a ring. Since there's a bigger chance than I imagined growing up I might never get the chance to experience this first-hand, I'd be in for a replay :)
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