The best way to deal with overwhelming guilt, anxiety and
Go shopping!
At least, that’s what we’ve been taught since grade school,
anyways. So, with that in mind, here’s some fantastic and not-so-fantastic
items currently available to the discerning Sonic shopper.
Featuring Det, Reignman, and the Glove, it’s a classic piece
of mid-90s nostalgia. At $15, it’s a decent deal for a 22” x 34” poster you
know would look great in any rec room.
Warmup Jersey: $50
Oh, my. Just … I’m not sure what to say about this one. Set
aside the value – it’s $50 for a warm-up jersey, so you can’t quibble too much
about the price – but, that picture? Why that expression? Why do I get the
feeling that the poser is a TrailBlazer fan that lost a bet? Why does he feel
the need to show us all of his chins?
And why is he looking at his feet in the reverse picture? What’s down there,
Joe? Did you step in something? Or are you just wondering how you got to this
point in your life?
Jersey: Do not buy this
To the seller(s) of this piece of annoyance, on behalf of
every citizen of Sacramento and Seattle, and anyone who has ever been a fan of
either team: Go to Hell, just go. In all honesty, can anyone fathom who the target market is for this obscenity? No one in Seattle or Sacramento would ever wear this in public, so I'm struggling to figure out who they expect to buy it.
So, you’ve got a corduroy hat signed by Michael Cage, Rich
King, and a mystery Sonic. The question you’ve got to ask yourself: Would it be
worth more if Rich King hadn’t signed
it? And who is the mystery Sonic? Could it be Bart Kofoed? Would that make it worth even less than $10?
I sometimes wonder about the process that goes into making
these staged photos. For example, in an ordinary circumstance with another set
of three great NBA players, where none of the three is truly superior to the
other two, you’d think there might be some awkwardness as to who gets to stand
in the middle, right? I’m guessing this did not happen with Xavier McDaniel,
Tom Chambes, and Dale Ellis:
Photog: Okay, who wants to stand in the middle?
Tom: Well, I’m the tallest, so how about me?
X: Looks at Tom.
Tom: Yeah, I think I’ll stand on the side.
Dale: Coughs.
Yes, it's from that game. The ticket doesn't say Game Five, but it does say Game C, which makes it painfully obvious that this is an unused ticket from the most horrific game in Sonic history. I think it's worth $5 just to buy it and perform an exorcism. Maybe you could get Dikembe Mutombo to perform part of the ceremony.
I remember that pic with the Big Three. I wonder if they were supposed to crop out the bottom part of the picture so it actually looked like they were dunking and not just posing awkwardly in front of a six foot rim.
At least 5 morons have purchase one of these...
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