Gelabale: 9.3 ppg, 3.3 rpg, 62% FT
Petro: 5.3 ppg, 1.7 rpg
Petro had a nice showing against Serbia & Montenegro, posting 8 points in a mere 12 minutes. Likewise, Gelabale's had 1 good game (14 points and 7 boards against Nigeria), and 2 other not-so-good games. Too early to get a good read on the games, but Gelabale's presence in the starting lineup is reassuring, and Petro has done what you would expect out of such a young player.
If you're wondering what the caliber of play is in these games, here's a quote from the AP story of France's win over Nigeria:
"Frederic Weis was the catalyst for France early on."
Um, yeah.
In other news, Eva Longoria's happy Tony Parker got hurt, because it makes it easier for her to root for the American team. Glad that crisis was averted.
Oh, and Ibo Kutluay is still alive. He also scored more points in 30 minutes against Lithuania than he did in his entire Sonic career. I'm guessing signing Ibo to a 2-year contract won't go on Rick Sund's resume any time soon.