Tuesday, August 15

Sonic News

Quite a bit of Sonic coverage in the 3 dailies today, and by Sonic coverage, I mean coverage other than Clay Bennett/OKC/Schultz coverage (which, I think we can all agree, is about as fun to read as a study on snail remains).

Anyhow, the Times, PI, and Tribune all agree that Chris Wilcox will be inked to a 3-year deal, with his salary targeted at either $7 or $8 million per season, or basically what everyone's been expecting for about 2 months.

(It's official - read the Sonics' press release here.)

Buried in Frank Hughes' story at the Tribune was this nugget:

"From here, Sund is expected to offer a two-year, $25 million contract extension to Rashard Lewis in late September..."

Sounds as though Lewis would be getting slightly less than his market value, but it's a good deal for the Sonics. Also of note from the PI:

"Wilcox is expected to compete with Nick Collison for the starting power forward position this season ..."

Really, does anyone expect Collison to have any chance at all of starting over Wilcox? I think it would be more likely to see Earl Watson surpass Ridnour than to see Collison surpass Wilcox, but maybe I'm off base here.

In any event, a good bit of news for the Sonics today, amidst a summer of craptacular headlines. Hooray for us.


Anonymous said...

sorely needed good news!

Anonymous said...

According to the News Tribune, the Sonics will have a press conference at 2 pm today to announce the signing of Wilcox.


Anonymous said...

My finger smells like poopy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have an issue with women in general.

Anonymous said...

Well, "anonymous," if you're going to mock me by using my pseudonym, then you should try to do a better job of it.

Oh yeah, and Biggie, you're right about Tracy Taylor.

Anonymous said...

Well, thebigo, I must admit that is somewhat surprising to me. As it is, though, the comment was flat-out amusing.

Anyway, that notwithstanding, I'm sure that it was you who wrote the following: "My finger smells like [shit]."

Lastly, shouldn't it be "thebigO" rather than "thebigo" ... ?

Anonymous said...


There's always a chance. I'm sure that if the city coughs up the money to build a new arena/fix up the Key, Bennett and his partners would be more than willing to keep the team here. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the plan:

1. City builds new arena under threat of Sonics leaving town
2. Hornets move back to N.O.
3. Bennett sells Sonics for huge profit
4. Bennett receives expansion team for Oklahoma City

Not saying it's written in stone, but I'm beginning to think this is how it will go down.

Anonymous said...

"ces la vie"

You could try using the big0 (zero) - lol

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