I apologize for the recent lack of posts, but in case you haven't noticed, it's SNOW-BLIZZARD 2007 outside, and my computer-typing fingers have been frozen. Also, the four-hour season premiere of 24 has been on the last two nights (Spoiler Alert: the world blows up!).
So, in summary, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Probably. Did I mention the Sonics won their SECOND GAME IN A ROW tonight?! w00t-w00t!
two amazing wins in a row.
this is something to build on.
we MUST win the next 4 games on this homestand before going on the road to dallas and houston.
Two wins in a row, giving the team a false sense of playoff hope, causing the GM not to make any moves before the deadline, keeping the same roster on the floor, maintaining mediocrity into next season.
Wow they've made me cynical.
I agree with the 2nd comment - winning games at this point is counterproductive. We need to lose and lose often to have a chance at grabbing Oden in the draft.
I ask you: In 2011, would you rather have Greg Oden posting double-doubles every night, or win a bunch of meaningless games back in 2007?
Of course, the team will be playing in Oklahoma City by then, so maybe the best thing is for us to win, just so we can screw Oklahoma!
Yep, 12th pick here we come. Oh yay.
I have to say, that game Friday night was perhaps the first game I can ever recall actively hoping the Sonics would lose. I'd finally resigned myself to their futility and my only hope left is a high lottery pick. This has been a slow, incremental resignation to the fact that this team is going nowhere save Oklahoma City. So I finally hit the bottom and, in doing so, am able to appreciate the losses. So what happens? Ray goes for 54 on Friday, single-handedly pulling the victory out, and last night they pull another rabbit out of their hat. Should I be happy? I truly have no idea. I guess the worst thing I can say is that I kind of don't care anymore, and won't until I know definitively that the team is staying in Seattle.
Which of course means I most likely never will care again...
Heard in the news that the Sonics' plans for a new arena is gonna be discussed soon. I honestly don't think Clay Bennett cares which city the Sonics end up in, as long as the bottom line is fat. What has changed since he took over is that he's lost whatever support he had from the fans. If he could use that as a leverage factor going into the negotiations things would be very different. Right now though I don't think many fans care if the team stayed or left. I've personally stopped watching the games and sold the 14 pairs of tickets I had left for this season. Every single one of them.
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