Like the Sonics, Supersonicsoul has been doing some off-season remodeling. Not only do we have a brand-spanking new commenting system (see below), we also have a new thingy on the sidebar that shows the latest comments from you fine folks. If you'd like more new "thingies", please let us know, because we here at Supersonicsoul aims to please!
Also, if you have a (free) Blogger account, you can have your picture and a link to your profile.
Now I'll know when someone has commented on an old story! I think thats the greatest thing since sliced bread! And I'm not being facetious! And I like exclamation points! And mostly I just wanted to check out the new commenting system!
In all seriousness, thank you guys for keeping me sane during the offseason. I am in the middle of serious NBA withdrawal and anything helps. I just need a little fix occasionally....maybe a Shawn Kemp dunk-mix.....maybe the cap figures on Ibo....maybe spending three days to download a finals game that we lost....maybe I need help.
Boys, I'm glad I found you guys in time for the past season, since I didn't want to have to piss off my blog writers by posting endlessly about the subtle greatness of Mateen Cleeves, Cheerleader, or the fun of watching the Sonics beat the Knicks at MSG (ok, so I did post about that one). And the offseason has even been pretty sweet. This is one of the few blogs I actually check daily, but now that it's blowing up I hope you guys don't get too high and mighty to come by and comment on my blog every blue moon (that's the same time frame as when Randy Moss smokes pot, just so ya know).
It should be noted that it was Carl's idea we add a "recent comments" section to the sidebar, so if you don't like it, blame him! :)
I like the old comments page better. I prefer to read the comments then post my own. The way it's set up now, I have to scroll up to the top, then work my way down again. Isn't my life hard enough already?
Carl--tell me where, oh where, I can download Sonics Finals games where they lose. Or Sonics regular season games with Billy Owens and Olden Polynice. Or Sonics exhibition games where Bob Swift's feet leave the ground. I don't care, I want that fix too!!
Sorry about that, Lance. I agree that it's a pain to have to scroll up to read the comments, but HaloScan (the previous commenting service we used) was too buggy to continue using.
Carl, I'm with Chunkstyle - Please share with the class!
Only if Nuss or someone will figure out how to make the recent comment area also include the name of the post the comment was made on :)
Just kidding, actually this is a perfect justification for the recent comment feature since I posted this on a dead thread a while back
http://bt.davka.info/ is the site with the games
You will need to download a bit torrrent client, I use BitComet, seems to work fine. Watch out though, they are about a gig each. Although some are smaller.
I personally am about to start downloading the Knicks and Rockets 1994 Finals Game 1. I hope to see Hakeem punk Ewing. Please don't tell me how it ends cos I have bad memory, making downloading old nba games more fun than it probably should be.
Also, if you want, try www.thepiratebay.org and search for "NBA" and they have some games on there too as well, also torrentspy.com
Good luck all, let me know if you find any gems.
Also I should note, try not to post that link on more populated sites, we don't want it to disappear.
This may just rekindle my love of the internet. I thank you, sir.
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