If you follow the sports world a little too in-depth, no doubt you’ve heard about the Vote for Rory phenomenon in the hockey world.
Rory Fitzpatrick, an anonymous defenseman for the Vancouver Canucks, has drawn more than 30,000 votes as a write-in candidate for the NHL All-Star game – all due to a website created by some goofy Canuck fan(s). By posting his appeal on message boards, and receiving publicity from places like deadspin.com, it has gotten to the point where Fitzpatrick – who has yet to register a goal or an assist this season – is now in the top 15 for defensemen.
Well, I’d like to take that attitude to the hoops world. My write-in candidate? One Mr. Mickaël Gelabale. The rookie forward from France doesn’t deserve to play in the all-star game, but since when did that mean anything?
Herewith, five reasons to vote for Mickaël Gelabale:
1. Best hair in the NBA – bar none.
2. He's the best player in NBA history from Guadeloupe.
3. He doesn’t just have game, he has “French game.”
4. He could kick Tony Parker’s butt.
5. He has an umlaut in his first name.
So, Sonic Nation, do your part. Go to the all-star ballot page, swing down towards the bottom, click on the write-in section, scroll down to Gelabale, and VOTE!
French Sonic Nation, put down your baguettes and help out!
German Sonic Nation, quit marveling at your Christian Welp poster and vote!
True Hoop, HoopsHype, all you big-time websites, do your part to spread the word.
Our goal is not to get Gelabale into the starting lineup, but merely to get his name in the top ten. If only we can frustrate one copy editor, then we’ll have done our part.
I honestly wrote this story last night, before both supersonics.com and sonicscentral.com lead with Gelabale-related stories.
If that isn't kismet, I don't know what is.
Vive Mickael!
I honestly wrote this story last night, before both supersonics.com and sonicscentral.com lead with Gelabale-related stories.
If that isn't kismet, I don't know what is.
Vive Mickael!
Heck, you've catched my attention and I just voted for Jelly Belly. :D
BTW: Damn, how do you know abut my posters? :lol:
Now the only things I've left are the posters of Detlef Schrempf and Patrick Femerling...
Gelly's got my vote; FYI, if you delete the cookies on your computer, you can vote as often as you want every day.
Not that I'm condoning that sort of thing ...
I voted! (And why am I more excited about this election than the one last month?)
My bad; I've corrected the list. I guess I was going off of some bad information, there.
Actually, this time I checked it out; I like Pietrus alot, but I really think Gelabale is going to be a better player in the long run. Right now, Pietrus has the edge because of experience, but I like Gelabale's overall game more.
Of course, we're all a little biased here for anyone wearing a Sonics jersey.
As a Warriors fan, I'll take exception to your argument, but I can understand your enthusiasm. Nothing wrong with being a homer.
Tell you what - I'll vote every day for Gelabale, if, in exchange, you guys vote every day for Pietrus.
Oh, and you have trade Ray Allen for Baron Davis.
Tough break for the Sonics - Allen's out with a ligament strain. Luckily, everybody else is picking up the slack for Ray - and w'ere playing the Hawks, which doesn't hurt.
Thought I was the only one at work watching the game. Gotta love the way Petro has come through tonight. Lewis -naturally - has picked up the slack wiht Ray out, but it looks like everyone in the startin glineup will have double figures tonight.
I'm just glad that Wilcox is finally getting a chance to get some shots. He must have at least a dozen by now.
What does it say about Ray Allen that the Sonics are able to hold a 15 point lead with him sitting with a bad ankle. I know it's only the Hawks, bu tstill.
PUt this one in the book. Desmon Farmer's in - which means this one is D.U.N. done.
"Vote for Rory" was started by a Buffalo Sabre fan, not a Canuck fan. The movement is totally non-partisan.
Sorry - I just assumed it was a Canuck fan inasmuch as he plays for the Canucks.
Regardless, it's a great idea and as a non-hockey fan, I've already voted a half-dozen times for the guy.
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