What do you get when you cross a team with the fifth-worst home attendance numbers with a team with the sixth-worst road attendance numbers?
10,165 in attendance, that’s what.
You also get a lot of pictures that look like this (try to ignore the blindingly white skin in the foreground and concentrate on the thousands of folks who came dressed up as empty seats instead):

Ah, it's too bad the Pacers don’t have a fancy-dancy new stadium. I’m sure that would solve all their attendance problems.
I’m sorry, what’s that now?
Haha! So true! ;D
Well, I'll give you fancy. Maybe even fancy-dancy. But new?
There are 15 arenas built prior to 1999 that are still in use in the NBA. There are 30 teams in the NBA. Which makes Conseco decidedly . . . middle aged?
But still fancy.
Hey, Hacksaw, did you attend the David Stern School of Building Maintenance? Because that sounds suspiciously like commissionerial reasoning!
in other news..
Good to see Swift get some minutes finally..always wanted to see that kid play..hopefully he can stay away from the injury bug..
So sad. So bitter. It's like building an elaborate shrine to a girl that dumped you. Isn't time for you guys to move on?
Until the NBA admits its financial model is broken and unworkable then I see no reason for Sonics fans to move on.
lookit this guy, not everyone can say they've been Jordan in one-on-one.
"So sad. So bitter. It's like building an elaborate shrine to a girl that dumped you. Isn't time for you guys to move on?"
If by "dumped you" you mean "got high on meth, passed out, was kidnapped and taken to a trailer park by a toothless loser named Clay who would force her to spend the rest of her life unappreciated and mired in mediocrity" then yes, it's a little like that.
I have to say- I think the whole concept of being "mired in Mediocrity" was both invented and perfected in Seattle. You guys were like the Cubs- only without the fan base. Hey, if you guys have nothing better to do than endlessly pour over how you were wronged- knock yourselves out. From the outside looking in, it looks kinda pitiful and unproductive, but what do I know. Now if you will excuse me, me and my buddies have this hottie tied up and whacked out on meth back at my double-wide. Oh yeah, it's party time!
I love how these Ollways Korrect Citizens somehow find our little site (can it be by accident?) and then constantly scold us for being petty, sad, and bitter. Hey, Thanks for the lesson on losing gracefully, Mr. Sore Winner!
What prompted me to post here was the seemingly endless stream of Seattle trolls who visit a Thunder blog I visit. I actually respect the fact that Seattle chose not to cave to what was essentially "Arena Blackmail", but have grown weary of the self rightous postings I have to read in order to post MY complaints about my hometown team. Bottom line is that Seattle made a choice. Sucks that you guys were put in that position, but that is the way the sports world works (Colts,Browns,Rams,Hornets,Jazz, and on and on back to the Cairo Cavemen of the Mesopotamian League). I won't be posting here again, but try and remember your beef is with an ownership group- and not another city, or state, or the players. I already have to wake up every morning knowing that Inhoffe is my represenative in the Senate- isn't that shame enough?
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