Weiss’ idea is to get Evans to become part of Seattle’s new “Showtime” offense (can someone help us with a new nickname? I’m not looking forward to an entire season of hearing the Sonics’ style referred to “like the 1980’s Lakers Showtime...”). In Weiss’ world, Evans would run the break, using his speed to get down the court and finish, a la Jerome Kersey.
While Weiss doesn’t explain the physics of how Reggie can be both a tenacious rebounder and one of the first guys downcourt (seriously, how do you bang on the boards with the singlemindedness of Evans then race ahead of the guys who hang out at the 3-point line?), I like the thought. No, Evans can’t shoot the 17-footer with any consistency, and he’s not smooth in the paint, and his defense is overrated, but he can rebound well and he can run. As a guy getting 15 minutes off the bench, he’s not going to hurt the Sonics.
Jerome Kersey? If so, we need an catch phrase as corny as "Mercy Mercy, Jer-rome Kersey!":
- "Oh my heavens, Reg-gie Evans!"
- "Gimme a wedgie, Evans (Reggie)!"
- "Slap my @$$, it's Mr. Glass!"
- "Run-n-gun, Kersey looked like KRS-One."
I'm going with whoever it was that nominated "Mr. Glass" in the first place - his comment was that whenever Evans does a power-rebound-wave-your-elbows-move, Calabro should shout out, "They call him MISTER Glass!" (If you haven't seen the movie, well, forget it).
He's also handy around the house.
Jerome Kersey went to Longwood University.
Lance said "Long Wood". Huh-huh-huh-huh.
I'm scared...
Frank Hughes' artice in the Trib is just the lastest one that I have read describing Weiss as "loose" "more relaxed" "friendlier" "more fun" and the like.
Now, I was actually pro-Weiss when the coaching search started, but now I am not so sure. We may very well be in for a car-crash-in-slow-motion season in Sonic-land
I am a schooteacher, and whenever I hear the words "friendlier" and "more relaxed" I think of a teacher who doesn't understand his role is not to be the students "buddy". This whole thing could be a marketing ploy by the Sonics to put a smiley face on the fact that they lost thier most popular coach in thier history (sorry, Lenny) to the evil empire to the south, but I am starting to get concerned about the first time that they have a 5 game loosing streak or the first time Evans' agent blows up in the paper about how Evans isn't getting enough minutes/touches/pussy, what-have-you.
The key here is Ray. Can he be the leader in absence of the hard-headed Mac, or is he just going to fold and be like he was when he was with Karl in Milwaukee (another coach who is not necessarily a drill sargent)
Are any of you getting nervous? Or is it just the double-talls I'm drinkin...
Comparing a teacher and a coach seems rather forced to me. How often do teachers teach the same students year after year? Do they have less power than their students with management (obviously not).
We may call them coaches, not managers, in the NBA, but a coach's first job is to manage their players. That doesn't mean being their friend, but I'd much rather that than their enemy any day.
How many drill seargent types achieve lasting success?
Also, how many teachers are allowed to stick kids that don't pay attention and work hard in the closet for a whole season (i.e. on the bench)? Control of minutes are every coach's best weapon against malcontents.
I picked the Sonics to finish near the bottom of the entire Association, alongside the Raptors and the Blazers. So that's what I think of Bob Weiss and his Sonics.
Great blog, though.
"How often do teachers teach the same students year after year?"
Are you kidding? Haven't you ever seen "Boy Meets World," with the brillo-headed Ben "Fred is my untalented brother" Savage and the well endowed Danielle Fishel as his long time sweetheart Topanga? They had grumpy old Mister Feeney as their teacher from grade school all the way through college!
And what about the gang from "Saved By the Bell"? Sure they didn't always have the same teacher, as Miss Bliss (played by the delightfully British Haley Mills) disappeared after they moved from JFK junior high located in Anytown Midwest U.S.A. to the sunny shores of Bayside High in SoCal, by Mr. Belding was always there (though Belding, unlike Mr. Feeney, wasn't offered a teaching gig during "Saved By the Bell: The College Years").
Maybe it would have been more appropriate to compare Weiss to a principal, not only because principals oversee the same students for numerous years and usually take care of the discipline aspect, but also because both Mr. Feeney and Mr. Belding functioned as principals, though Feeney always taught in one capacity or another.
Thanks for the comments, and on behalf of everyone here at Supersonicsoul, I have to say you're fucking nuts.
You picked the Supes to go 27-55 this year, going from first to worst because...why? Because Seattle lost an overrated center and a (very good) backup PG? Because they lost a coach who was on the verge of being fired before last season (you picked Portland to go 28-54, so I guess not)? That doesn't add up to losing almost 30 more games this year. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd say you randomly picked those numbers out of your ass (which we of course would never do here at the Soul!)
The fact is, the heart of the team is returning, and the Sonics have a few budding youngsters (Ridnour, Collison, and Wilkins) who should have breakout seasons. There's no reason to think this team won't be as good or better than last season.
Plus if you look at Screeches plus/minus numbers when he was on camera with Slater, they clearly reflect the influence of Mr. Belding.
Thanx, Lance, for clearing that all up for us...
i am scared about weiss too. i was thinking the same thing, i'm glad i am not alone, but worried about his style. we will see....
Hey guys, I'm back ready for season to start. Lets go Supes.
Well, if some of us are going to reference "Saved By The Bell," then let me compare Danny Fortson to Tori.
As it is, I don't think that I need to go into detail as to how each of them are damn near one in the same, for anyone here who has any knowledge of "S.B.T.B." should be aware of the similarities between the two.
Hell, like Tori, I hope Fortson's stay is very, very short.
Fortson didn't cost us Kelly Kapowski and Jessica Spano in trade.
Hey, give Kelli and Jessie a break. They were busy modeling in Paris. Poor little Lisa Turtle had to stay behind though.
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