This is what it has come to, Sonic fans. From Warriors coach Mike Montgomery, after yesterday's game between Golden State and Seattle:
"This is one we had to have. (The players) knew that. I knew that."
That sound you hear is the remainder of the air being let out of last year's balloons. Somebody notify the autorities, because we have now become the team that mediocre teams expect to beat. The team that if the Warriors had not beaten, Monty would have had to explain why. The team that was getting 9 points against the flippin' Golden State Warriors.
Folks, it just doesn't get much worse than this. Unless Ray Allen was resting in a hyperbaric chamber filled with Michael Jordan's mojo while enduring his 3-game suspension, we have no chance at even being on the "bubble" for the playoffs, let alone making them.
It figures we'd have this kinda season when this year's college season's talent is pretty unimpressive.
For the rest of the season, instead of running home to catch the games on tv, I'm gonna do overtime at work. For free. I hate my job, but...
geez...you know what, i feel for you sonic fans...this is exactly how lions fans have been feeling in detroit for A HALF CENTURY even though ive only suffered about 10 years...luckily the pistons keep detroit fans sane as well as the wings but the pistons are the main attraction...but true fans stick with their teams as you guys do...im linking to your site and I hope thats alright...could you link to mine as well? thanks and ttyl.
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