According to the Seattle Times, "Big Boy" Bennett finally took a look at the proposed Auburn stadium site, a mere ten months after hearing the initial proposal from the Muckleshoot tribe.
Bennett didn't make any comment afterwards, but previously stated that the tribe had not presented him with a "substantive arena plan". Really?
The Muckleshoots, who own the Emerald Downs land, have hired the consulting firm Brailsford & Dunlavey to study whether a new arena would work next to the track, 25 miles south of Seattle.Oh yeah. He's really "exploring every option", isn't he?
The tribe last month said its consultant's initial research indicated the location could work. The tribe is expected to release more detailed information this month.
In the immortal words of Kanye west: Clay Bennet doesn't care about Native American people.
The tribe last month said its consultant's initial research indicated the location could work. The tribe is expected to release more detailed information this month.
Take your time, guys.
(tic toc tic toc)
"Substantive arena plan" probably means more than just pointing at an empty field and saying, "Hey, doesn't that look like a good spot?"
""Substantive arena plan" probably means more than just pointing at an empty field and saying, "Hey, doesn't that look like a good spot?"
That's how they do it in Oklahoma isn't it there mr. anonymous sheep-fucker?
A substantive arena plan means pointing at an empty field and showing the money. Mr. Bennett wants to see the financing and his own projected revenue stream.
However, I doubt the NBA will allow such an association with gambling interests so soon after the ref scandal.
"However, I doubt the NBA will allow such an association with gambling interests so soon after the ref scandal."
There's no sports betting in WA which is what they're worried about. There's also a WNBA arena located inside a casino in Conneticut.
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