cartoon: Raf / words: Paul
Dear Marsha,
I know you're probably pretty busy today, with your big Seattle vs. Sonics decision coming up this afternoon, but I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you thanks for all your hard work. Going into it, you probably thought it was going to be an open and shut case. You and me both, sister!
I mean, a lease is a lease, right? This should have been like an uncontested, open-court dunk from the Reign-Man. Instead, the city looked more like a drunken Squatch, fumbling, stumbling and bumbling its way into a humiliating self-check on the rim. "Poisoned well?" Ouch.
But I'm hoping you can see past the feeble attempt by the home team (we Seattle sports fans should be used to that) and see the bigger picture: Clay and his boys entered into a lease they had no intention of honoring. If you decide for Team Bennett, it's basically telling them that if you've got enough money, then the rules don't apply, further emboldening other fat-cat corporate scumbags to do the same thing.
Now, I know I'm a little biased here. I can recite every SuperSonics roster since 1978. I have an Xavier McDaniel action figure. I not only remember Vincent Askew, but I can do an uncanny imitation of his layups. I'm a fanboy's fanboy.
But this decision isn't just for die-hard Sonics fans — it's for every sports fan in the country. If this can happen in Seattle, one of the biggest media markets with some of the most loyal fans in the country, it can happen anywhere. Siding with the Bennett Boys is saying it's OK for David Stern and the NBA to blackmail fans and non-fans alike into paying millions of dollars for needless new arenas. It's telling them it's OK to squeeze out the working class fans to make room for high-priced suites for corporate goons who couldn't care less about basketball. It's telling the fans "You don't matter".
At 4pm today, when you post your decision, you are either going to side with common, hard-working citizens or spineless, corporate pirates. I hope you make the right decision.
Paul Merrill
p.s. Did I tell you how lovely you look today? Also, your hair smells terrific.
I hope you don't mind I replaced the loving portrait of Herroner with a wee cartoon.
And the letter? It's like you're reading my thoughts and typing them up with gooder grammar and speling. Thanks for sparing me the trouble of doing that myself.
I've actually been tracking your thoughts for quite some time, Mr. Calonzo. I won't even start about your Bea Arthur dreams.
What's the over/under on how long it will take someone from OKC to post a message about this? Here, our friends in Oklahoma, I've saved you the trouble, just cut 'n paste!
"Yeah, well you might think you're winning, but even if the city wins today the Sonics will still be playing in Oklahoma by next year. You guys had plenty of time to figure this out over the last 10 years and your lame-ass government of coffee-drinking hippees didn't do a damn thing about it. Now you're paying the piper. Hate us all you want, but we're just doing what a big-league city does to play the game."
And so on.
Chunkstyle, your cartoon is a very effective use / example of your talent. Art distilling and delivery a powerful message. Well done and thanks for your contributions all along the way.
OKC Guy Here ::waves hand:: I actually posted a comment on my thoughts regarding the impending decision on the previous blog post ... To paraphrase my thoughts, I think the city gets the ruling today ... see the previous post for my full comments, if interested.
France is with you guys.
Michael, wish all the OKC posters would write the way you do.
I think if we've learned anything from this messy situation, it's that the citizens of the cities should not consider themselves enemies. In the best case situation, Oklahoma gets an expansion team and Seattle gets the Sonics. It's the only fair resolution.
"France is with you guys."
As is Germany.
^^ What he said.
Hey Silvio, do you happen to be the guy who runs the German Sonics blog?
"Hey Silvio, do you happen to be the guy who runs the German Sonics blog?"
Yes, i'm that guy.
Lets us hope justice is served today.
I'm curious - to the folks from outside the US, would it really make a big difference to you if the Sonics were in Oklahoma City instead of Seattle? I'm not being sarcastic, it's a legitimate question. Unless you had specific connections to Seattle (family, lived there at one time, school, etc), I'm not sure why it would matter if the Sonics were in one city as opposed to the other.
Unless, of course, you think Clay Bennett is a jerk and you don't want to see him be rewarded. Then it would be a perfectly logical thing to do.
It would make a difference for me.
I fell in love with this team more than 12 years ago, I was 10 years old and for the first time I had a chance to see the NBA playoffs. I saw Shawn Kemp and after a few minutes I became a Sonic Fan. I think we can call this Love at first sight...
Of course the team was the most important thing, way more important than the city. I won't say that Seattle is not important for me though.
I have been chatting with Sonics fan for years now and I can't accept that. I can't accept something that makes absolutely no sense like this move.
Moving from a better market, with a great fan base, after 41 years ??? No way...
I have been dreaming of coming to Seattle to see them play for a few years now, if they win this case I will try to make the trip. I heard nothing but good things about Seattle, your city has the reputation to be one of the more open minded in the US.
FYI - Daily Oklahoman is reporting that the city and the team are negotiating a settlement. Here's the link:
The story is lacking in much of the way of facts, though.
Colleague Sharon Chan reports that she just asked Seattle City Councilmember Jean Godden if the mayor is settling with the Sonics owners.
"It looks like it, but IĆ¢€™m afraid what little I know is sworn to secrecy until after the mayor's press conference," said Godden. A press conference is scheduled for 5 p.m.
Another source confirmed there is a settlement.
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