Paul Lucas, author of the wonderful Uni Watch blog and associated espn.com site, has issued a call to his readers to help design a logo/uniform for the new Oklahoma City team. With that in mind, perhaps a few designs from inspired Seattle Sonics fans are in order? After all, while our ideas might not fly with the NBA's marketing department, I'm sure our informed and talented readers are certainly capable of coming up with some, well, interesting designs for what Clay Bennett's team should be wearing this year. You can email Lucas via the site, or, if you like, submit them to us via the email at the top of the page (robotmonster AT gmail.com). If SuperSonicSoul Editor Paul checks his email, you might even see your design on our site!
As always, keep it classy, please. No cursing, no references to bestiality, no tornadoes, etc.
Basically, try not to act as if you were from Oklahoma City.
I'm from OKC and I was searching Google news to see if we've announced a team name yet and I happened across your site. I, personally, have no interest in this whole basketball business but am concerned that the powers that be choose a stupid name that further stereotypes this part of the country. This is my only interest. That being said I have to take issue with the final two sentences of your post.
I can joke about it and I understand that naming the team the OKC Goatfuckers and having our logo be an image of that wrapped in an Andy Capp tornado has much appeal. But you honestly are not giving OKC enough credit. We don't ALL fuck goats in tornadoes. Just like we're not all Injuns or oil barons.
Most of us out here don't give two fucks about Clay Bennett or The Sonics. We just want to be left alone with our two-toothed sisters and our monster trucks while the dustnado comes to deliver us to those pearly oil derricks in the sky.
Hard to tell if you're being facetious or not, but here goes - basically, I think most of us at this site are 99% irked at Clay Bennett at 1% irked at Oklahomans. In all honesty, I'm hoping people come up with something that degrades Bennett/Stern/McLendon, etc.
Appreciate the self-deprecating humor, though ...
You guys just will not let it die, will you? Maybe you guys should team up with Hartford Whaler fans and you guys can do a blog about whining?
We're sorry your internet browser forcibly subjects you to our endless blubbering. Gosh, we don't know how people who can't stand our constant whining keep ending up here. Our apologies!
Thanks for keeping tabs on us, perhaps someday we can get our shit together through the tough love of people like you.
really, why don't YOU just let it die and leave US, and our website alone? what comfort does it serve you to gloat about your gain in our loss?
Heres my attempt:
Nice work, shiznitz; we'll put up a compendium (!) of drawings either tomorrow or Monday.
Did it ever occur to you to start your own blog for "your" new team, so you can write whatever insightful, brilliant, "non-whining," incredibly basketball-savvy posts you like? You can write creative, in-depth analysis of the season ahead, predict trades...the possibilities are endless for you.
....Yeah. I figured as much.
I know that, by now, even YOU realize that nobody here gives a shit what you have to say, or "think" about anything at all, and that you are actually just promoting and fostering the image of the ignorant, dirty, ugly, toothless clay-eating Okie.
The moment we get any type of sincere positive response from you, Joe, is the moment we involuntarily gag so forcibly that we all drop dead.
The new mascot's going to be named "Derrick" and have a big rig on his head.
Teamname: Rustlers
Also remember that Oklahoma was founded as a state on the idea that if stealing land from the Native Americans once was cool, then doing it again was even better.
I think in honor of their famed, and inexplicably revered owner, they should be called the OKC Bamboozlers or Hoodwinkers.
Sager, no way. That's off-limits. For crying out loud, there were 2-year-olds inside the federal building when it was destroyed. I know the line on what is safe to make of is blurry, but I think we can all agree that making jokes of murdered children is definitely over the line.
Hey guys,
Why such poor attitudes? Seriously, if you keep up the spoiled brat routine I'll buy your Space Needle too. Would look kinda cool on the 18th hole. Remember kids, it's not theft if I'm the owner. Now how much for that Space Needle?
Go OKC Potatoes!!! The Fighin' Spuds.
Take the Space Needle. Hell, take the entire Seattle Center. Then maybe our dipshit politicians can focus on something that will actually work in this century.
How about:
OKC Vultures
OKC Buzzards
OKC Rainmakers
My husband just suggested the "OKC Bugeaters." I am not precisely clear on why this is what OKC means to him, but it's not half bad.
Oklahoma Outlaws
Still can't figure out how to start your own blog? "Outwitted" by the internet again?
Terribly unfortunate.
The OKC Sloppy Seconds. Pink and brown uniforms.
Big Chris
Nuss, here's my attempt based on one of the front-runners for team name: the Thunderbirds. My goal was to elucidate OKC's proud basketball tradition of stealing shit from Seattle.
Nicely done, Mark. We're up to four unis now; c'mon, Seattle, give me some more! If we can get up to a half-dozen uniforms, it's worth making into a column, and your artwork will get the exposure it deserves.
(And, yes, you can read between the lines on that comment).
apparently they're going witht he thunder. It kid of stings in a way. Thunder seems appropriae for an OKC based team, from a purely objective standpoint, but the edgree of difference between "Supersonic (Alluding tot he Boom a supersonic jet makes), and "Thunder" eels almost... I don't know. it just feels close enough that I dislike it, even if, were the circumstances different and me not emotioally invested in te situation, I would think it a good new moniker. ughh. I ran into some kids from Miami two nights ago in Prague and all they did all night was A) try and get us to go to a stripclub with them, and B)tease me about the sonics situation. I told them politely but in no uncertain terms how I eflt about that.
I'm hoping you can make a column out of this, so I took another crack at it. I'm ignoring Thunder, Barons, Wind, Energy, Wind Energy, and Wind Energy Barons because they obviously all suck. But singular nouns are still totally rad:
Appreciate the self-deprecating humor...
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