Opie all up in Miles' grill. "I'm open . . . seriously!"
In a season full of misery, one bright spot has emerged. Young Robert Swift has taken the reins as Seattle's center of the future, and his play of late has even put him in the role of center of the present.
Swift has averaged - hold onto your seats, folks - close to a double-double the past month, 9.8 ppg and 8.5 rebounds per game. In fact, he's the 16th-best center in the league at rebounds per game during that time.
Now, for most teams, having the 16th-best rebounding center wouldn't be cause for celebration. But the Sonics are not most teams. Since Jack Sikma headed for Milwaukee in exchange for Alton Lister lo, those many years ago, the Sonics have been devoid of a quality man at the 5 spot. Is Swift the answer to our prayers? Well, plenty of other guys have posted great numbers for a month's time (see Fortson, Danny for further reference), so the jury is still out on Swift. But at least he gives us something to get excited about, and isn't that what being a fan is all about?
Wonder how he'll like playing for the Oklahoma City Sonics?
It won't matter how well wonder boy swift plays if Schultz sells the FLIPPIN team. I am sickened, how can I really care about any games coming up, or for that matter how well Swift is playing?
Here's another reader's take on Robert Swift.
They give them out? Hey Army, can I have one?
Make mine the one with the gernade launcher.
I wouldn't get too worked up about the Sonics moving to Bellevue, or anywhere for that matter. During negotiations, professional sports teams always play the "moving" card, even though they rarely intend to move the team.
I was in Vancouver when the Grizzlies left, and Vancouver's support level was WAY below how the Sonics are supported in Seattle, and the Grizzlies still hung on for a few seasons before leaving, and even then they probably would have stayed if the Canadian dollar was as strong then as it is now.
Unless the Sonics start drawing crowds below 10,000, I can't see David Stern letting them leave, and Schultz & Co. know it. They're just trying to get the fans afraid enough to bother their city/state representatives. Eventually, the city will cave in, give Schultz what he wants (or an approximation thereof), and everyone will be more or less happy.
Except for this guy: http://www.firewallywalker.com/blog/
I'm shocked that few of y'all aren't placing the blame on the right people: Howard Schultz & Wally "F'n'" Walker!
So I hear on the news tonight ol Howard flapping his gums about if they don't get 200 million from us tax payers then he is not responsible if the team leaves Seattle.
Well since you got dear ol Wally making his world famous player choices all I can say is don't leave the lights on when you leave. Ooooor if you want us to feel compassion for you, fire that idiot Wally and get a real basketball person to make good choices that will bring in quality talent so we can compete.
Boycott Starbucks for Opie & Co..
Boycott Starbuck for so many other reasons.
would totally boycott Starbucks if it weren't for their delicious, over-priced Chocolate Brownie Frappuccino. Mmmmmm...empty calories...
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