A few pieces before looking at tonight’s matchup with Memphis…
According to espn.com, Bob Hill is the 6th-least hated coach in the NBA, ranking ahead of former Sonic assistants Terry Stotts and Dwayne Casey, as well as Larry Brown (natch). It should be noted that his approval rating has dropped since December. Why? … This just in! Reggie Evans felt underappreciated in Seattle! Yeah, Reggie, we all know you’re hard working and all, but, seriously, when the entire NBA decided you’re not worth a long-term deal this past summer, don’t ya think that maybe it’s not just Seattle doing the underappreciating? … And, last but not least, the Sonics have officially inked one Marcus Fizer (congrats to sonicscentral for breaking this way ahead of the big boys). You want to hear a bizarre list? If Fizer makes it to 500 games played, he will join these guys as former Iowa State grads to have played that many games: Zaid Abdul-Zaid, Kelvin Cato, Fred Hoiberg, and Jeff Hornacek. Somehow I’m guessing that’s not a foursome you’ll be seeing at a golf course near you.
On to tonight’s affair. The Sonics are only favored by a point, which to me is a steal. Just like the beginning of last season, the oddsmakers are going to be skeptical of the Sonics for awhile, but, to me, this team is easily capable of dusting the Grizzlies tonight. If you look at the two previous games, the current Sonics bear no resemblance to the team(s) that lost in those two outings. I’m not even worried about Collison’s injury affecting the outcome.
It will be interesting to see the Sonics match up with Memphis’ slow-down tactic (which, as this piece shows, even some Griz fans are getting sick of). Here’s some numbers for you: The Sonics take 42% of their shots in the first 10 seconds of the 24-second clock. Memphis takes 32% in that time frame. Memphis takes 20% of their shots in the final four seconds; the Sonics 11%. It’s two completely different styles: Fratello’s Slothball Crapola vs Hill’s Runners. As if the Grizzlies’ style of play wasn’t bad enough, they’re paying this guy about $6mil a year until 2010. I like to call it the Bill Curley Rule: NBA teams will always go out on a limb for a 6’9” white guy. It’s as if they think that if they keep drafting them, sooner or later they’ll find another Larry Bird. Good luck with that.
As you can tell, I’m picking the Sonics, 103-89.
I saw a little of the South Africa-Canada game, and it looks like SA has a couple of non-white players. Here's your fun fact of the day: Lee Smith is S.A.'s pitching coach. Digest that one for a minute.
grizzlies fan here - you're right, the slow-down busienss is killing me. plus, the team just doesn't seem to be making any progress. i guess that's why fratello wasn't coaching an nba team for the past decade.
Hey, don't we all! (Oops - did I write that?)
"all the sports sites I go to are in the process of tarring and feathering a black man (Barry Bonds) right now."
No, they're tarring and feathering a lying steroid abuser.
Screw the tarring and feathering... I just want someone to take out his knees so he doesn't break Hank's record.
Ugh, my poor brother is at tonight's game. Last I checked, the Supes were down 18... Sorry dude.
25-point loss to the Grizzlies ... at home ... Rashard outscored by Johan Petro ... Sonics shoot 35% from the field ... Outrebounded 51 to 36 ...
No matter how you look at it, that was one of the worst losses of the season, almost as bad as the road trip back in November.
Oh, and Biggie, Lee Smith is a 6'6", 250-lb black man who has more career saves than anyone on the planet. It's just weird that he would be coaching for South Africa. Good for him, though.
We should bench Lewis for the season. He's obviously already on vacation. Can't wait till he opts out and gets what he really deserves - mid level exception.
Why oh why did we keep going to the same 'try to get it to Wilcox even though Gasol will mess it up' play time after time? Oh yeah, because Lewis sucks as an option.
WTF? Game not on FSN. What's on instead - high school ball?
too bad UW didn't respond by bustin' some Duck A**.
The only thing better than seeing the TrailBlazers lose is seeing the Ducks finish off the Huskies. How 'bout them waterfowl!
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