But, hey, the Sonics kicked some Hawk butt in what is now my all-time favorite Thursday afternoon victory in Sonic history.
James and Fort both got booted, although, to be honest, James was going to foul out in another 3 minutes anyways, so it was kind of a foregone conclusion. Nice efforts from Collison (double-double), Allen (for rebounding from a lousy first half), Ridnour (nice overall game), and Rashard (10 points in 2nd quarter).
Charlotte's up next. It'll be nice to see Bernie Bickerstaff and Co. Little known fact: Bernie's kid is an assistant for the Bobcats, as is Bob Kloppenburg's son.
Almost forgot; Ibo Kutluay got in for 4 minutes in garbage time - no points, though, so he's still o-for-the season.

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