The crusading Brian Robinson of Save Our Sonics and SonicsCentral.com asked me if I could do a quick flyer for the rally next Monday. Of course I said yes. GARY FREAKIN' PAYTON AND THE FREAKIN' X-MAN are going to be there, for Pete's* sake!
Get the .pdf flyer here. I could be persuaded to make a color version if people asked real nice. Or if I get bored.
UPDATE: People asked real nice, so click here for the color version.
UPDATE: It was brought to my attention that it may be helpful to label which bald black dude is which since a) not everyone knows what GP and X-man look like, or b) they do know what they look like, but may not consider my caricature skills quite Puyallup Fair-quality. So there are now arrows indicating which guy I was intending to draw.
Behind the Scenes Bonus Footage: I came thisclose to making X-man say "Steve, do come now." My buddy talked sense into me though.
*And Paul's, for that matter.
I'm gonna do my best to get down there. If there's a time to show the love might as well do it in the Xman and Gloves presence.
Thanks for making these! I'm passing out via email to everyone I know.
Also going to ask a friend who works at a Sonics sponsoring company, to sponsor printing off a batch.
Anyone know of a good printer?
Fantastic work, Chunk. Here's to hoping that in 2038 you'll come across that poster while cleaning out your office, look at it for a minute, and just smile.
Because the alternative would just be awful.
Great poster and "Singles" reference. Keep up the good work and Save Our Sonics.
Really? hard to believe.i heard this news times from many friends playing on a tall dating site ___Tallmingle.com___,i did not believe, i think that they are know nothing but dating and love.
i am wrong.
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