During practice with the Select Team on Saturday, "Crusher" Collison let loose a dunk straight from Lovetron, bringing down the rim, and some of his teammates.
"I was hoping coach would say, 'Hey, practice is cancelled.' That's the first thing that came to my mind," Lebron James said afterwards. "The second thing is 'I hope he didn't shoot a jumper and the basket fell.'"
Read all about here.
(Thanks to Joe Newell for the tip!)
Good piece on Collison.
Also - if you want to watch him as A Seattle Sonic....
Every Sonics Fan should write a letter this week - even if you have written before to the Governor! Pass this address around.
Governor Chris Gregoire
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Go to her web site & do it the easy electronic way - or both! NOW is the time to flood the govrnors office with messages that we want her to use her influence to get a new arena built & to save the Sonics. She will be crucial to any arena deal getting done.
I guess you'd have to call that one the WHITE "Chocolate Thunder Flying, Robinzine Crying, Teeth Shaking, Glass Breaking, Rump Roasting, Bun Toasting, Wham, Bam, Glass Breaker I Am Jam".
John Schuhmann did a nice piece about Team USA on the NBA.com website.
On Durant:
"When asked about Durant on Friday, Coach K said that the rookie was getting better every day, but then added, "For us, it will just be a choice of who we need right now." That seems to indicate that Durant is not likely to make the roster. But of course, he'll be a big part of the USA Basketball program down the line."
On Collison:
"If Bosh was here, then there would probably be no room for Collison on the roster. And with Anthony starting at the four, Team USA probably feels it can go into this tournament with just three true bigs (although next year, they will most certainly go with four). Overall, Collison's play has been solid, and he's the best shooter of the true bigs. So, don't be too surprised if he makes the team over Chandler."
And then he summarizes it all up by saying:
"So that gives us a depth chart that looks something like this:
PG: Kidd, Billups, Williams
SG: Bryant, Redd
SF: James, Miller, Prince
PF: Anthony, Collison/Chandler
C: Stoudemire, Howard
That should be good enough to qualify for the 2008 Olympics (by finishing first or second in FIBA Americas). The Olympics, of course, will be tougher. So the presence of Bosh, Carlos Boozer and-or Elton Brand around would help tremendously next summer. Having Dwyane Wade come off the bench couldn't hurt either."
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...
Still, I think it will prove to have been an invaluable experience for both players--it should give them confidence to know that they can hold their own against the best in the League. Also, if Collison played well enough to even be considered, hopefully it earned him the respect of Durant. (I know, it's ridiculous that a veteran should have to "earn" the respect of a rookie...)
I'm a Kansas guy, so I love Nick Collison unconditionally. He may not have the skill to be a star NBA player, but he definitely has the attitude and mean streak.
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