Until the game starts, you can check out some more Durant info here, here, and here (is it me, or does the last one eerily seem like something you'd play at his funeral?). You can also watch some Jeff Green highlights here.
Not sure who will be in the starting lineup for today's game. I'm guessing:
C: Johan Petro
PF: Green
SF: Durant
SG: Julius Hodge or Mickael Gelabale
PG: Zabian Dowdell
How many dunks for Durant this afternoon? 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or more? Correct answer wins a free subscription to supersonicsoul.com!
It's Christmas in July... Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
I am putting the posterized dunk count at 4... including one on Diop.
Can't wait.
Going with 5 dunks tonight, just because he can! I also think he could go for a double double if they leave him in long enough... we'll see if they let him run wild.
Unbelievable. Got this message when I tried to watch the game via webcast:
"This live webcast is not available in your area."
Why is the game blacked out in Vancouver, BC? As internet-savvy as the NBA claims to be, this is another illustration of how frustrating their stuff can be sometimes.
Anyone else out there try to watch the game via the 'webcast'?
Here's your SuperSonicSummerLeague Starting lineup:
C: Petro
F: Durant
F: Green
G: Dowdell
G: Hodge
For Dallas:
C: Diop
F: Bass
F: Ager
G: Terry (Reyshaun, not Jason)
G: Barrea
Jeff Green scores Sonics' first 5 points before Julius Hodge (another supersonicsoul.com favorite) scores a bucket.
According to the boxscore, Durant missed his first 4 shots...also, I can't get the webcast either, and I live in Seattle.
It's Summer League! Why the hell is it blacked out in any area? B@#TARDS!
I really need to buy that cable TV everyone's talking about. This sucks.
Classic Summer League in-game stat:
Thus far, the Sonics have 4 fouls, 5 turnovers, and 2 baskets.
Its blacked out in New York. Dammit.
The Philadelphia game isn't though, so you can still get your fix.
The game's on NBA tv, but it's tape delayed until this evening from what I understand.
I know, it doesn't make any sense to me either. I'm starting to think that David Stern thinks that tv ratings are like golf scores; the lower the better.
I swiped this from a commenter at sonicscentral.com. It's a link via realgm.com that has the game. And it works!
I take it back, I love the NBA and the internet!
End of 1: Kevin Durant with no points. That means no dunks, for those of you scoring at home.
looks like it's on NBA tv at 9pm tonight. How stupid is that. NBA.com says the games will ALL be shown live either on NBA tv or on the web. I bought the sports package today for nothing. DANG!
Well, KD got his first dunk, but it was on a foul, so it didn't count. Nice fast break opporunity where Jackson gave it up to Durant in the lane and he finished ... with authority (in my best Marv Albert impersonation).
oh sweet! thanks Nuss for the link, it even has scores and a commentator! I watched some of the SA game and it looked like a 5 year old was handling the camera
This might be sacreligious to say, but so far, Durant reminds me of and 19-year-old Shawn Kemp in body, and a 28-year-old Shawn Kemp is touch and shooting.
There. I said it.
Mo Sene looks like he's put on some weight since the end of last season. His arms definitely look bigger.
Fantastic effort by KD on a dunk that he got fouled on. If it had gone down, that would have been on ESPN tonight for sure.
I don't think Durant has sat for the entire half.
Wow, midway thru the 2nd before we register an assist. Interesting.
So, why does Hodges have more rebounds from the two spot then rest of the team combined at the half? Diop and Bass are killing Petro, Green, and Durant on the boards.
Why no Gelly? At least give us a fighting chance...
The Sonics really could use somebody like Mike Wilks on this team.
Starting lineup for the 2nd half:
Dowdell, Durant, Petro, Hodge, Green
Was that Robert Swift with a ponytail? WTF!
Anybody ever heard of stopping the man with the ball? Barrea went through the defense like they were standing still on that last drive, man!
Durant got seriously burned for the second time tonight on defense. Going to be alot of that this year.
I'm really glad Summer League is no real indicator of the real thing. Right... right?!
Nice more inside by Hodge. He having a pretty decent game.
Little known fact:
Jermaine Jackson, in addition to being Michael's brother, went to the same college as Sonic legend Spencer Haywood - Detroit Mercy.
PJ just got done telling the commentators that the Sonics are "going to look run" this year, but that the Sonics need to focus on the defensive end more this year.
Wonder if Gelly is even at the building today. Strange that he wouldn't get any time at all....
I heard someone say they need to get Jelly Belly healthy.
Durants game stats thus far 4-15 fg, 1-3 3pt, 7-9 FT, 1 reb, 1 pf. Green already fouled in 30 mins. of play. no measure, it's only summer league, i'm just hoping he doesn't get hurt. *knock on wood*
Man, Sene going to the Developmental Leauge again. By the way, the following players were pick after Sene...
Paul Millsap
Craig Smith
Rajon Rondo
Marcus Williams
Jorge Garbajosa
Daniel Gibson
I think I just threw up in my mouth and died a little bit inside.
- Dan
Carlisimo interview was strange. He said he thought the defense was fine, but the offense needed work. Exactly the opposite of my thoughts.
Durant's FG % is going to look bad in the newspapers, but he had some sick offensive moves in the first half. Just shocking whhe can do with the basketball.
Watching Heath go down hard there, anybody else get the feeling that if a sniper came into the building, that the players are instructed to form a barrier around Durant and give themselves up like Secret Service agents? Maybe I'm the only one who thinks about stuff like that ...
Johan Petro:
3rd year in the league this year, going up against guys who've never played in the NBA, and he goes 1 for 7 with 2 boards in 20 minutes. What a waste.
Sonics are really making Barea(?!!) look all world. These guys really, really need to learn how to play some D.
One thing I noticed - it seemed as though Durant was forcing the ball on offense (not that I blame him) and I wonder how it will work during the regular season, in that he doesn't have anyone to tell him to take a step back - at least anyone that is worthy of his respect. It's be nice for them to have Allen or Lewis for a season to keep Durant in check, but that just isn' going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I loved watching KD play tonight, but it did have me a little concerned.
Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't try a little harder to hold on to some veteran leadership. Hopefully Presti knows what he is doing.
Durant is talented but did not look to get his teammates involved at all; the Supes played little defense; Petro looked terrible for a seasoned NBA pro; Swift looks like Cherokee Parks with a red pony-tail; Gelabale was sitting in street clothes at the end of the bench and it was nice to see a Sonics' coach actually sit in his seat during the game (sorry Bobby).
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