I was at
last night's game, and I think it summed up the first half of the season pretty well: brief moments of brilliance completely negated by the final score. Here are some random thoughts I had while sitting in a half-full (or half-empty?) Key Arena last night:
- Kurt Thomas is the worst finisher in the NBA.
- Luke Ridnour and Kevin Durant should really spend more time together.
- Do you think a few of the Jazz have been using Karl Malone's "muscle cream"?
- There have been some pretty ugly guys in the NBA. Andrei Kirilenko is the ugliest. For the sake of the human race, let's hope this AK-47 is shooting blanks.
- I would rather see Delonte West on the court than Earl Watson.
- Were the "Dunking Ushers" really the best halftime show the Sonics could come up with? Especially since they already used them between quarters? And about 4000 TIMES THIS SEASON? Is this organization even trying to entertain us anymore? I hate you, Sonics Halftime Coordinator.
- The Sonics played great defense for almost the entire second quarter.
- Was Nick Collison really the best choice to talk about Black History Month?
- Anyone cheering for the Utah Jazz at a Sonics game in Seattle should be beaten to death. Even if they're children.
- The Sonics would have a much better record if games were only three quarters.
I'll bet $50 that the people rooting for Utah were Mormons. Mitt Romney, 30-year-old BYU football players, the Osmonds, the Jazz, Mormons ... can somebody remind me again why we need to keep Utah around as a state? How about we trade Utah to Canada for British Columbia or Quebec?
I'm all for the BC-for-Utah swap, just because this border business is terrible. Not too sure how well received the idea would be in Canada, though. I'm guessing they'd be less than thrilled about trading away the only decent weather in the country for Utah.
Ah, bigotry. Thanks for keeping it classy!
There have been some pretty ugly guys in the NBA. Andrei Kirilenko is the ugliest. For the sake of the human race, let's hope this AK-47 is shooting blanks. --- This just made me crack up in the middle of class. Thanks.
I would rather see Delonte West on the court than Earl Watson. --- YES!!!!!!!!
Were the "Dunking Ushers" really the best halftime show the Sonics could come up with? Especially since they already used them between quarters? And about 4000 TIMES THIS SEASON? Is this organization even trying to entertain us anymore? I hate you, Sonics Halftime Coordinator. --- Better than that horn guy they had. The sad part the crowd cheered louder for them than the Sonics.
Was Nick Collison really the best choice to talk about Black History Month? --- His wife is black though. :)
Anyone cheering for the Utah Jazz at a Sonics game in Seattle should be beaten to death. Even if they're children. --- Once again I'm laughing my ass off in the middle of lecture.
The Sonics would have a much better record if games were only three quarters. --- *Writes letter to David Stern*
anybody else notice that two days after chris wilcox got two or three stories about his 'improved game' and touch in the papers, that he goes for 11 and 4 against Utah?
God bless Weezy. He keeps fooling people into thinking he's turned the corner ...
The Horn Guy was the worst! Chunkstyle and I saw him at a game about a month ago, and he actually got booed off the court.
But at least they hired someone who wasn't an employee of Key Arena. I mean, that's pretty damn cheap, especially when you use them four times a game.
"I'm guessing they'd be less than thrilled about trading away the only decent weather in the country for Utah."
How about Moose Jaw then?
I bet you guys wouldn't ever mock someone's Jewish or Muslim beliefs or culture, because that's not considered PC. But for some reason the courtesy of "political correctness" doesn't extend to Mormons. Apparently this is because their belief system is directly opposed to some liberal political ideas. The double standard is annoying and intellectually dishonest.
Yes, I am a Mormon. I am from Washington. I went to BYU, and therefore lived in Utah. I hate the Jazz, and only went to Jazz games when the Sonics played there.
So stop with the Mormon = Jazz fan bit, and the Mormon = from Utah bit. It's not very sturdy logic. It's just prejudice.
I would mock anyone's beliefs if they rooted against the Sonics in our own stadium.
We do have a special hate for the Jazz here, but I doubt any of the Jazz are Mormon, just as I doubt there is any JAZZ in Utah.
I can't speak for Anonymous (get a name!), but I didn't say anything about anyone being Mormon. There was literally this huge family of blonde people dressed in Utah Jazz gear sitting behind me and they were being really obnoxious, really rubbing it in that the Sonics were losing, chanting stuff like "Sonics suck! Sonics suck!". I could give a shit if these kids were Mormon or Lutheran--they were assholes and their parents should have taught them something about sportsmanship. If that fits your stereotype for Mormons, then so be it.
And believe me, I have just as much hate for Seattle kids who wear Kobe jerseys to Sonics games vs. the Lakers. Nussbaum, Chunk and I went to a game last year where HALF THE CROWD was cheering for the Lakers! Why do you even live in Seattle if you hate your own teams?! Grah!!
Ahhh... back to basketball...
Speaking of Wilcox,Watson and Thomas getting more than their fair share of playing time... Shouldn't Delonte West, Luke Ridnour, and Gelebale file a lawsuit on the way the Sonics have discriminated against their talent this season? Really, the Sonics franchise is taking a bigger dive this season then all of the Italian soccer players in Europe combined.
Look I know they are not good, but the way the roster is handled is criminal almost. How many of these close losses were caused by bad roster moves? I say at least 10-12 losses. Has anyone check P.J.'s contract to see if he get paid by the loss by the OK-inbreeds? I throw my hands up and pray the Derrick Rose falls into our lap this spring...
- Dan
I've never been the biggest Ridnour fan, but he played a hell of a first half (before getting benched with three fouls(!) in the second half)and is obviously the best PG on the team.
I'm convinced that Luke will get a ton of PT in the second half of the season. This summer, both he and Watson are capable of being dealt, unlike this year, when Luke's BYC status hindered any trade involving him.
If you assume that the Sonics went into this season with the mindset that this was to be a tryout for the two PGs, then Earl has gotten his opportunity to prove he deserves to be teh starter. The second half of the season should be Luke's chance.
By the way, I'm ignoring Delonte West, because it appears the coaching staff has as well.
What did Nick Collison say about black histoy month? what happened? whwere was kevin durant lol? Even Delontes West!!! wehre is waly szabiak!!!! ahahhahah
i think they should PLAY D WEST (i am so sick of watson) .. he needs consistant playing time to prove what he can do. i'm not talking the staggard playing time he has gotten. play him 28-30 min. a game for a least a month.
however i really do not see this happening. whatever he did he certainly is in the doghouse and i just dont see pj letting him out.
Please folks. Super sonics SUCK! Whens the last time they one anything? All the money Washington has sunk into this qrapy team is a nightmare. Thank god they are going to oklohoma!!!!!! Maybe we will get a real team now!!
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